
The charm of one exit: why revolving doors with one exit are no problem

Revolving doors are an integral part of many public buildings and provide an efficient and energy-saving solution for regulating access to a building. Although some complain about the fact that revolving doors usually have only one exit, I argue in this essay that this aspect offers some significant advantages. Here are four reasons why one exit in a revolving door is no problem.

  1. Energy saving:
    One of the main benefits of revolving doors is their ability to save energy. Having only one outlet minimizes airflow between indoor and outdoor environments, helping to reduce energy consumption for heating and cooling. If revolving doors had multiple exits, this benefit would be greatly reduced as there is more chance of escaping hot or cool air.
  2. Security and access control:
    A single exit revolving door makes it easier to control and secure access to a building. The restricted exit ensures that people cannot easily slip in or out of a building undetected, and allows security personnel to more efficiently monitor who is entering or leaving the building. This aspect is especially important for buildings where security is of paramount importance, such as banks, government institutions or airports.
  3. Reduction of congestion:
    While it may seem counterintuitive, the fact that a revolving door has only one exit can help reduce congestion. A single exit ensures a streamlined and organized traffic flow of people entering and exiting the building. With multiple exits, traffic would be more chaotic and less organized, which can lead to congestion and user frustration.
  4. Aesthetics and space saving:
    Revolving doors with one exit are not only functional, but also offer aesthetic and space-saving benefits. A single exit creates a sleeker and more minimalist design, adding to the overall look of a building. In addition, revolving doors with one exit take up less space than doors with multiple exits, saving valuable floor space that can be used for other purposes.


While single exit revolving doors can sometimes be perceived as inconvenient or restrictive, they actually offer a range of benefits that are both practical and aesthetic. By saving energy, improving security and access control, reducing congestion and offering an attractive, space-saving design, single exit revolving doors are a smart and efficient choice for public buildings.

It is important to recognize that the needs and requirements of different buildings vary, and in some cases the use of alternative door systems may be warranted. However, for many situations, revolving doors with one exit remain an effective and sensible option that contributes to creating a safe, energy-efficient and pleasant environment for everyone.

Instead of focusing on the limited number of exits, we should appreciate and embrace the many benefits of revolving doors. Designed with both functionality and aesthetics in mind, this simple, yet ingenious, solution plays a vital role in the day-to-day functioning of countless public buildings around the world. Let's not see the single exit revolving door as a limitation, but as a smart and thoughtful solution that offers the best in energy efficiency, security, traffic flow and aesthetics.


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