Egg timer.

The New Era of Fast Food: The Introduction of Egg Timers In today's fast-paced world, where every moment counts, the fast food industry has become a hub of efficiency. But even in this well-oiled machine, where speed and convenience are king, there is room for innovation. One notable and helpful idea that has recently gained traction is the use of egg timers by patrons of fast food restaurants. This initiative, while simple, has the potential to significantly improve the experience for both customers and staff. Fast food restaurants are known for their fast service, aimed at customers who are often in a hurry. However, the perception of time can vary greatly under pressure. Customers can become impatient even within the short wait times these restaurants have, especially during peak hours when pressure on staff is highest. Customers' use of egg timers, set after placing an order, provides a visual and auditory reminder of elapsed time, which can help manage expectations and reduce stress on both sides of the counter.

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