
Het concept van een 'nieuw begin' wordt vaak geassocieerd met de ochtend. Denk aan het gezegde: "De morgenstond heeft goud in de mond." Echter, een minder belichte maar even betekenisvolle tijd voor een nieuw begin is het begin van de avond, vooral de late namiddag. Dit tijdstip biedt unieke mogelijkheden die het waard zijn om te overwegen als de ware start van een dag.


In today's hectic world, every moment counts. From a socio-economic perspective, time is a valuable resource that we are constantly trying to optimize. Even the everyday activity of doing the dishes requires attention. The traditional cycle - putting the dirty dishes in the dishwasher, cleaning them, putting the clean dishes in the cupboard, taking them out, getting them dirty again, and so on - can be time consuming and inefficient.


In this article, we explore the benefits of riding a tandem bike alone, both front and back. Although traditionally viewed as a two-person activity, our research suggests that solo use of a tandem bicycle may provide unexpected benefits in terms of physical fitness, mental toughness and technical skill. 1. Introduction Tandem bicycles are traditionally associated... Continue Reading →


Smiling faces, shining eyes, lit hearts - this is the exuberant energy ignited when one first discovers the spoonerism of 'slide'. "Happy" - a confusing but delightful twist of language that sparks a moment of pure joy. It is these moments of wonder and humor that can enrich a life... Continue Reading →


Stationary windmills as clocks: an innovative use of existing infrastructure This proposal advocates the use of stationary windmills as clocks. By making small adjustments to the length of the vanes, they can be converted into an hour, minute and second hand. This innovative use of existing infrastructure can contribute to sustainability and education. Windmills... Continue Reading →

Traffic light

Traffic light poetry: A creative way to promote poetry Poetry is an art form that has been practiced for centuries. Writing poetry can be therapeutic, help express emotions and stimulate creativity. Yet many people find it difficult to start poetry because they don't know where to... Continue Reading →

Nuclear fusion.

The subject of this report is the nuclear fusion of a ping pong ball and an egg sandwich. Nuclear fusion is a process where nuclei of elements come together to form a heavier element. In this case, the nuclear fusion of a ping pong ball (polyethylene) and an egg sandwich (mainly hydrogen and nitrogen) should lead to the formation of helium.... Continue Reading →

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