
Receiving a message in a bottle is always an exciting and mysterious event. It is a message that has come from far away and floated to you through the waves. But what happens if you open the bottle and discover that it is not postage enough? Here are some steps you can follow if you find yourself in this situation.

Step 1: Check the bottle

Before you take any steps to return the message in a bottle, it is important to check the bottle. Make sure the contents are safe, undamaged and that the message inside is legible. If there is damage to the bottle or if the message inside is illegible, the message in a bottle may not be returnable.

Step 2: Contact the postal service

Once you have determined that the contents of the bottle are undamaged and the message inside is legible, the next step is to contact the postal service. In many cases, it may be enough to take the bottle to the nearest post office and ask what the options are. They will be able to take the proper steps to return the message in a bottle.

Step 3: Make sure you have the correct shipping information

To return the message in a bottle, it is important to have the correct shipping information. Make sure you have the sender's address and the correct shipping costs. If the postal service is unable to return the bottle, you may have to send the bottle yourself. In that case it is important to ensure that the bottle is sufficiently franked.

Step 4: Send the bottle back

Once you have all the necessary information, it's time to return the message in a bottle. Make sure the bottle is securely packaged and has sufficient postage. It's also a good idea to include a cover letter letting the sender know what happened.


Receiving a message in a bottle is always an exciting experience. But if you discover that the bottle is not postage enough, it is important to take the right steps to return it. Please check the bottle, contact the postal service, get the correct shipping information and return the bottle. This way the sender can receive the message and you know that you have contributed to a special and mysterious journey of a message in a bottle.

bottle mail

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